Friday, December 25, 2009

sewing mithril is tricky

Years ago, my friend Kim would pass her hand-me-downs my way; she would give me the best stuff. In one lovely sack full of second hand clothes, I found a beautiful silver sweater . . . and I have had it stored in my closet for five years, trying to find just the right way to use it. last month I decided that that time would never come. mostly, because I realized that Josu's dragon hat needed on arch nemesis of sorts.

and so I chopped off the sleeves of the beautiful silver sweater and after some creative, stitching, this chain mail armor beauty was born:

I will call it mithril;
and today, I will wrap it up with a note from Frodo, asking him to take good care of it - - reminding him that it was mined in Moria by the dwarves of old.
I think this will please my hobbit crazed son very much.


Heather Pelczar said...

That is such a cool awesome Mom thing to do. I am so inspired by you.

Erin said...

This is absolutely marvelous!!! I want to make one of these. You did a fantastic job. It is perfect.
I am a friend of Julie Handel's & just decided to click on your blog today for the first time. I am so very glad I did!

Naomi Smith said...

thanks Erin! I have no, no, no idea where you could find fabric like this if it didn't already come to you as a sweater in a bag of clothing cast-offs! let me know if you ever give it a go y!ourself; I would love to see your version

Naomi Smith said...

and heather . . . what can I say? your kind comments boost my ego to be inspired to keep sewing :)